Sunday, April 10, 2011

even more stuff done

awesome thrift store find
the weather was amazing today, which allowed me to get a bunch of stuff done in the yard today. but first, there was the trip out to Fred's Unique Furniture. all i can say is wow. the place was giant & packed!  although i didn't find the 60's style console stereo with turntable i was hoping to, i did not come home empty handed.

back at home i put up my hanging baskets/window box thingys that i bought off of craig's list back in november. and finally planted my hawthorn tree (free from craigslist or freecycle, can't remember since it's been about 3 years, poor tree!!)
craig's list find
cleaned the winter clutter off of the breezeway sorting out the plastic containers to give away or recycle, as i try to reduce as much plastic as possible.

freecycle find
still to do:
  • get rabbit poop. i found where the wild rabbits are pooping and plan to harvest it up for some free fertilizer. a small payback for all the damage they've done.
  • fix rain barrel/get new rain barrels. i was super bummed to to find that my rain barrel has a giant crack in the bottom because, like a dummy, i left it out over winter to get frozen. hoping i can patch it up with some epoxy. i will also be on the look out for more in the mean time.
  • fix porch steps. this very harsh winter we had, with lots of freezing and salting, has left our steps with their own pot-holes. cement patch? will need to do some investigating...

1 comment:

  1. I keep eyeing the local rabbit with evil intent--he's gotten very very fat and happy off my hard work. I'm thinking stew.
